Superior Manufacturing Corporation is a highly accredited water treatment manufacturer headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They are pioneers in chemical-free magnetic water treatment technology. They provide industrial, commercial, and residential water treatment solutions to businesses all over the world. They have been in the water treatment business for over fifty years.
Superior Manufacturing contacted HighMark Digital to see about bringing more visibility to their brand and help improve their presence in the online search results. Their sales were largely the result of referrals, attending industry conferences, and long standing relationships in the industry. Superior wanted to broaden their online reach and start generating revenue from online channels.
Superior had previously worked with a local SEO agency, but they had not seen results.
The improvement in SEO rankings led to a massive increase in the amount of traffic to their website and the number of leads they were getting for their business.
The graphic below shows data from Google Analytics when we first began working with Superior Manufacturing Corporation. This is the time period from August 1, 2018 through August 30, 2018
The next graphic shows the analytics data from June 9, 2019 through July 8, 2019. In about a year their site is showing up three times as much, an 200% increase. Website traffic has grown about 4 times. Their has been a 191% increase in the number of times their website has shown up in searches. This huge increase in traffic has resulted in more brand awareness, more phone calls, more leads, more form fills, and more sales.